wholerenguru3 (厚仁学术哥)
转学申请 Personal Statement 模版(一)
众所周知,美国的大学申请不同于中国,学校倾向于考量学生的综合素质而不单单是看考试成绩,这就使得 “个人陈述”( Personal Statement )成为了一个可以让学生在众多申请者中脱颖而出的亮点。
Tell us about a personal quality, talent, accomplishment, contribution or experience that is important to you. What about this quality or accomplishment makes you proud, and how does it relate to the person you are?
In 2009, I came to the United States right after graduated from high school. This experience was the turning point of my life as I had from a different background where classism in the form of ‘silver spoon’ table manner truly mattered. When I first arrived, I did not understand American culture and my English was not fluent. I first went to Seattle for my first year in American and it was the most challenge year. I remembered I stayed at the library for hours struggling with my own attempts at translations assignments. At one point, I was thinking whether college is the right course for me. American History was the most difficult course for me and it completely took me aback. When I first looked at the book; I was shocked because it was as thick as a dictionary. Besides, I need to check the meaning of every word in the book. But even when I was most unsure, I made a commitment to persevere and not only completed my year in Seattle but continued study in California. Each state has its own culture. I am proud of myself to change to a California girl. My grade during this time was not smooth as I had to deal with a number of barriers at the same time. Indeed, I am not only proud of what I achieved, I am also confident that I will do well on a consistent basis as UC.
个人陈述重在言之有物。其实大部分同学们的经历是有很多可以挖掘的闪光点的,只是同学们自己不知道如何应用到 Personal Statement 中。这个时候,我们推荐同学们寻求专业留学机构的帮助。专业的留学机构中的文书老师有着丰富的美国大学申请经验,阅览过无数的文书,深谙申请文书写作的精髓。而且,随着教育质量的提高,文书辅导老师大部分都有过留学经历,在英语写作方面值得信赖。因此,对如何写好个人陈述有疑问的同学,我们建议今早联系专业留学机构获得帮助。
美国厚仁教育集团 WholeRen Group, LLC 成立于2010年,旨在提供基于美国的全面教育与发展,为学生制定全方位的留学服务,包括美国初/高中留学申请和转学、美国本科/研究生申请和转学、学术紧急应对、学术辅导、美国寄宿家庭服务、微留学、背景提升和职业规划等。厚仁教育曾接受CCTV独家专访,是全美首家获得AIRC权威认证的留学服务机构。
wholerenguru3 (厚仁学术哥)