STEM Student Support Center




在美国,关于STEM教育的发展可追溯到1986年由美国国家科学委员会National Research Council发布的《本科的科学、数学和工程教育》报告,其报告中指出并建议培养优秀的科技人才、工程师、科学家以及数学家来提高国家竞争力和促进国家发展,其后几任总统皆为发展STEM教育进行宣传,而美国国家科学基金会National Science Foundation也一直在政策与财力上对STEM教育给予特别支持。

In the United States, the development of STEM education can be traced back to 1986 when the National Research Council issued the report "Undergraduate Education in Science, Mathematics, Engineering, and Technology." The report pointed out and recommended the cultivation of outstanding scientific and technological talents, engineers, and scientists to enhance national competitiveness and promote national development. The subsequent presidents all promoted the development of STEM education, and the National Science Foundation of the United States has also been providing special support for STEM education in terms of policy and financial resources.


In 2006, President Bush Jr. announced the "American Competitiveness Initiative" and proposed that training talents with STEM quality is one of the educational goals in the era of the knowledge economy and is regarded as the core of global competitiveness.


Since 2007, STEM education has been extended from undergraduate to K12 education, and American primary schools and middle schools have begun to implement STEM education.


In 2013, President Obama released “The National Science and Technology Council's Committee on STEM Education Releases 5-Year Strategic Plan” and announced that the federal government would invest more than $1 billion in the promotion of STEM education and teacher training.

2018年,特朗普总统制定了新五年战略计划《制定成功路线:美国的STEM教育战略》详细讲述美国STEM教育的规划外,还特别强调计算思维(Computational Thinking) 的重要性。

In 2018, President Trump formulated a new five-year strategic plan “Charting A Course For Success: America's Strategy For STEM Education,” which describes the planning of STEM education in the United States, with special emphasis on the importance of computational thinking.


With the support of the country and society, STEM majors are very popular, especially among Asian students. According to the international student map report published by the Student and Exchange Visiting Scholars Program (SEVP), in 2020, there are over 382,000 Chinese students who are studying in the United States which accounts for 31% of the total number of international students; and over 87% of international students who are from Asia studying STEM majors in the United States. Among them, there are about 195,000 Chinese students studying STEM majors, which is over half of the total number of Chinese students. On one side, STEM majors could provide extended OPT (Optional Practical Training) of 2 years than other majors to help students gain more work experience. Moreover, STEM majors graduates have good employment prospects and high-paying salaries. They are the reasons why more students choose to study STEM fields.

因为STEM的专业性,在规划,选择专业,学校,背景提升,学业指导,都有特殊性,所以成立STEM 学生中心,适应这一需要,厚仁也配备了专业的导师。

Because of the specialty of STEM fields, there are specialties in academic planning, major choices, school choices, background improvement, and academic guidance. Thus, WholeRen Education founded the STEM Student Support Center to satisfy the demand and provide professional consultants in STEM fields.

因此,由于市场和对于该领域专业的社会需求度普遍增多,美国厚仁教育集团自2021年成立STEM学生支持中心(STEM Student Support Center),为更多有意向学习STEM专业的学生提供全方位的教育支持和规划。

In conclusion, due to the market and the social demand for the profession in the STEM field are generally increasing, WholeRen Education has established the STEM Student Support Center in 2021 to provide a full range of educational support and academic planning in STEM fields for students who are interested in.


作为专注STEM专业发展的留美规划与申请服务中心,STEM学生支持中心致力于为各个阶层学生提供优质的STEM项目规划服务、及全方位的个性化申请服务支持。提供专业的STEM教育资源,安排STEM教育规划和课程,帮助学生深度挖掘潜能,密切关注学生长远发展。旨在培养学生综合运用科学(Science)、技术(Technology)、工程(Engineering)、 数学(Mathematics)领域知识进行跨学科创新实践,让学生能够运用系统性思维和科学方法解决真实世界实际问题,为申请规划进行前期铺垫和指导,力求帮助学生进入理想专业学习。

As a planning and application center dedicated to STEM professional development, the STEM student support center is committed to providing high quality STEM program planning services and comprehensive personalized application support for students of all levels. We provide professional STEM education resources, arranges STEM education programs and courses, help students tap their potential and pay close attention to their long-term development. The aim is to cultivate students’ comprehensive application of Science. The interdisciplinary practice of knowledge in the fields of Technology, Engineering and Mathematics enables students to use systematic thinking and scientific methods to solve practical problems in the real world, pave the way and guide the application planning in the early stage, and strive to help students to study in their ideal majors.





在转学到其他机构的过程中支持学生。 STEM学生支持中心为预科学校,社区学院或四年制大学的STEM专业学生制定个性化计划。顾问会审查学生的个人背景,考试成绩以及专业先修课设置,为完成大学转学过程提供全面支持。






Student Evaluation Services

 The STEM student support center works on comprehensive evaluation of students' specific academic backgrounds. According to their own conditions and requirements, we provide accurate analysis to STEM major students, we also provide services to help the students to apply for US high school, university/college (two-year and four-year) and graduate school. Our support includes STEM academic planning, to improve students' academic and extracurricular background, STEM major selection, personal statement counseling, and advice on the application process.

Transfer Services

We support students in the process of transferring to another institution. The STEM Student Support Center plans personalized programs for students majoring in STEM at a prep school, community college, or four-year university. Counselors will review the student's personal background, test results and prerequisite courses to provide comprehensive support for the university transfer process.

Background promotion service

According to the application planning of STEM students, we provide students with the background promotion for the academic and extracurricular activities of the target major, provide relevant information and resources, help students choose suitable and favorable activity guidance, and deepen their understanding of STEM major and career.

STEM Curriculum Consulting Services

We provide STEM students (high school or college) with professional STEM intention course consulting services. We also provide international curriculum certification consultation services.











  • 综合能力的培养
  • 选择适合学生发展的训练
  • 个性化的专业指导


Who need the services

Student A

I have the intention on study in engineering, but I don’t know what specific direction is suitable for me 

Student B

I don’t know much about STEM majors. Can I still study in those areas? 

Student C

I have a very specific direction of study in STEM, but have no idea what school or program is right for me. 

Student D

I want to transfer to a CS major, what courses do I need to complete in advance?

Stem Student Support Center is located in Pittsburgh, the second largest education cluster in the United States. The service consultants have more than 5 years of consulting experience with a master’s degree in a STEM- related major and a deep understanding of American culture and environment, students will be better prepared to learn a STEM major for selection and understanding. We insist on providing students with :

  • Cultivation of comprehensive ability
  • Choose training suitable for student’s development
  • Personalized professional guidance

Dedicated to cultivating future competitive STEM creative talents by integrating the FITS methodology.

Related Majors

  • Computer Science 计算机科
  • Artificial Intelligence 人工智能
  • Information Technology / Information Science/Studies 信息技术 / 信息科学
  • Mathematics and Statistics 数学和统计
  • Electrical and Electronic Engineering 电子电气工程
  • Biological and Biomedical Sciences 生物和生物医学科学
  • Environmental Science 环境科学
  • Digital Communication and Media/Multimedia 数字通信和媒体/多媒体
  • Business Statistics 商务统计
  • Behavioral Sciences / psychology 行为科学 / 心理学
  • Financial Engineering/Mathematics 金融工程/数学
  • Business Analytics 商务分析
  • Data Science 数据科学
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