wholerenguru3 (厚仁学术哥)
一封 Appeal Letter 助我成功申诉 加州大学伯克利分校
今天,小编就给大家八到了大名鼎鼎的Huffington post上一位成功申诉到UC Berkeley( 加州大学伯克利分校 )的同学的文章(由于版权和篇幅原因,翻译有缩减)。申请不成功,你还可以撰写 Appeal Letter 进行申诉,为自己争取最后的机会。
UC Berkeley是我的Dream School
我在高三那年的11月份申请了加州大学伯克利分校。那个春天,我收到了招生办一封很薄的信。我走到车库打开它,期待着得到好消息。我想着这封薄薄的信会告诉我,我未来一大群UC Berkeley的同学的笑脸正在向我迎来,或者我已经可以在网上看到他们了?
我决定要对招生办的这个决定进行申诉(Appeal)。我知道几率很小:加州大学伯克利分校的学生中只有不到1%的人是通过appeal进来的。更何况,我总觉得除非申请者的GPA被算错了或者SAT成绩忽然提高了很多,否则写Appeal Letter是没用的。而这两种有用的情况都不适用于我。
我的申诉信(Appeal Letter)一气呵成。花了大概4个小时。我从头到尾读了一遍,然后打印了4份出来。我把一份给了招生办,另一份给了我在网上查到的一位Letters and Science学院的教授。另外两封我一份给了Dean,一份给了校长。除了我的父母和这些接收者,我还没有把这封信分享给过任何人。
我的信件如下:(原文未经编辑,小编只能登载很小的一部分在这里,欲求完整的Appeal Letter和该位同学申诉过程的文章,欢迎向美国转学微信公众号: UStransfer )
“As I go from one activity to another, from tennis practice where I’m expected to lead the team as captain to musical practice (despite being musically inept, I have practiced numerous hours in the shower throughout my entire life, and plan to be the best Elisha J. Whitney Anything Goes has ever seen), the disappointment and anxiety I feel at my denial to Berkeley continues.
I realize that, like thousands of the other students who may be bewildered at an admission decision, I am simply used to trying my best and yielding the fruits of my labor. Life is full of ups and downs, successes and failures — even at the green age of 18 I understand this concept well, and realize I will experience my share of both in life. I realize this is not a failure.
All the events and activities I have participated in have been due to sheer love and enjoyment, and my knowledge gained from such experiences will aid me always, whether I attend Harvard U or Clown College. Indeed, the colleges I have been accepted to are among some of the top schools as well, and I do feel proud of my options.…”
(文章转载自 Huffingtong Post, Author Kevin F. Adler, Founder @HomelessPOV)
对申诉流程或Appeal Letter书写有任何问题的小伙伴,欢迎加美国转学公众号咨询,申诉经验丰富的厚仁专家老师会为你做免费咨询。
美国厚仁教育集团 WholeRen Group, LLC 成立于2010年,旨在提供基于美国的全面教育与发展,为学生制定全方位的留学服务,包括美国初/高中留学申请和转学、美国本科/研究生申请和转学、学术紧急应对、学术辅导、美国寄宿家庭服务、微留学、背景提升和职业规划等。厚仁教育曾接受CCTV独家专访,是全美首家获得AIRC权威认证的留学服务机构。
wholerenguru3 (厚仁学术哥)