wholerenguru3 (厚仁学术哥)
1. 有一篇必答题目的文书
2. 在剩下的7篇文章里选择3篇进行撰写
3. 每一篇文章不超过350个单词
4. 你可以根据自己的兴趣进行3个文书题目的选择,没有任何规定,但是建议选择自己感兴趣的方向
5. 所有的文书题目在审核的过程中都是平等对待的,并没有说哪一个题目会更好
6. 对于文书的形式没有任何的形式规定,这些文书的目的是为了了解你这个人,用你独一无二的方式进行展示
1. UC系统本科转学文书题目六分析
2. UC系统本科转学文书题目七分析
What have you done to make your school or your community a better place?
have you done, school or community, a better place
接下去让我们看一下这道题目核心的内容make your school or community a better place。那么同学们在看到这个比较级的词语better的时候,心里面应该有所了解的是,这个题目需要有一个前后的对比。即在你做事情之前,学校和社区的状况,以及在你做了事情之后,学校和社区的改变,这种改变取决于你做的事情。
Things to consider: Think of community as a term that can encompass a group, team or a place – like your high school, hometown, or home. You can define community as you see fit, just make sure you talk about your role in that community. Was there a problem that you wanted to fix in your community?
Why were you inspired to act? What did you learn from your effort? How did your actions benefit others, the wider community or both? Did you work alone or with others to initiate change in your community?
When I was in high school, I would go with my live-in mom to her church every Saturday. One time my mom told me that her church was going to distribute food and help the homeless. It was a weekend, and my mom, my house mom, and five friends and I set out for Downtown, a church in the middle of nowhere, and the neighborhood looked like a mess. When we walked in, we saw about ten people from the church, and they were already preparing the food for distribution. I was assigned to go to the freezer to take out the meat and distribute it into bags, and when the distribution was complete, the church began to line up homeless people to come in and get the food. What struck me was that each of the homeless people said thank you politely many times after receiving their food, and they were all well dressed and neat looking, which was completely different from how I remembered them. This service was very beneficial to me and I realized that my stereotype of homeless people was wrong. So I started to search for information about homeless people on the website, and I found that there are a large number of homeless people in Downtown Los Angeles, and because there are so many homeless people, many shelters don’t have space for them anymore, so most of them choose to sleep in tents directly on the street. After learning about this, I chose to participate in more activities to help the homeless.
My high school life could not be more colorful without the homestay mom. Not only did she help me with academic learning, but she encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone…. Once she told me that a church in Downtown LA was going to distribute free food and help the homeless. My stereotypes of homeless people were lazy and addicts, and they chose to be homeless for some reasons. Out of curiosity, we drove to the area. The whole neighborhood looked like a mess. I saw ten volunteers. There were bags of snacks and water. I stepped forward and communicated with them, learned that them were church members. Most of them had been through some less-than-pleasant events, so they wanted to help those who were having a hard time. I was assigned to go to the freezer and cut meat into pieces….. After talking to some of them, I realized that they did not voluntarily live on the streets because they could not afford the high rent. Some of them had children but their income could not cover expenses. They were all forced to live but were still trying to live. I started to have new ideas of homeless people……Most people chose to sleep in tents. Such a situation may lead to the deterioration of the city’s environment and affect tourism. Ever since, I participated in more community activities. I went to underage children shelters and helped make breakfast…..
7. Beyond what has already been shared in your application, what do you believe makes you stand out as a strong candidate for admissions to the University of California?
beyond, already been shared, stand out as a strong candidate
Things to consider: If there’s anything you want us to know about you, but didn’t find a question or place in the application to tell us, now’s your chance. What have you not shared with us that will highlight a skill, talent, challenge or opportunity that you think will help us know you better?
From your point of view, what do you feel makes you an excellent choice for UC? Don’t be afraid to brag a little.
wholerenguru3 (厚仁学术哥)