
wholerenguru3  (厚仁学术哥)

wholerenguru3 (厚仁学术哥)


Score Choice(分数选择)让学生可以选择将他们的哪些SAT成绩送往学院和大学。然而,学生必须首先查看他们潜在申请学校的网站,看看是否要求发送所有的考试成绩。从耶鲁大学(Yale University)到雪城大学(Syracuse University),再到蓝山学院(Blue Mountain College),所有学校都要求学生提交所有的考试成绩。如果可以选择发送哪个分数,学生可以使用Score Choice来选择发送分数的考试日期(记住,分数必须从整个考试中发送,而不是单个部分)。
如果要求学生提交所有的SAT成绩,学生和家长可能会想知道学校是如何看待多重考试的。让我们来看看Superscoring和highest sitting——最高分的对比。
Superscoring是指学校查看你所有的SAT考试,并结合每个SAT考试部分的最高分数来创建一个Superscoring。超级分数在各个考试中累积,这对学生是有好处的。从斯坦福大学(Stanford)到南加州大学(University of Southern California),再到康涅狄格大学(University of Connecticut),所有学校都使用了Superscoring来评估申请人。


ACT允许学生选择从单个考试事件或他们的Superscoring(由每个考试事件的最佳个人分数组成)发送报告。只有2016年9月至今的成绩才能被Superscoring,如果最高的部分成绩相同,ACT将报告最近的考试成绩作为Superscoring的一部分。如果学生想要发送一个特定的部分分数,他们需要在一个单独的考试日期发送一份报告。和SAT一样,学生应该确认他们申请的学校是否要求他们提交所有的ACT分数。如果他们不这样做,那么发送Superscoring复合是对他们有利的。高分还可以帮助学生准备标准化考试——在参加一次考试后,如果一个部分的分数比另一个低得多,他们就会知道应该把进一步学习的重点放在哪里。从宾夕法尼亚大学(University of Pennsylvania)到麻省理工学院(MIT),再到北卡罗莱纳大学(University of North Carolina),这些学校在ACT考试中都是基于超级分数的。







Superscoring: What is it?


If students have taken the SAT or ACT more than one time, they will likely have different scores from test to test for a variety of reasons — preparation, testing situation, order of test sections, etc.  Superscoring helps students showcase their highest scores to colleges and universities.  This blog post will discuss superscoring, how to report scores and the advantages of this ‘newer’ option.



Score Choice gives students the option to choose which of their SAT scores to send to colleges and universities.  However, students must first check their potential schools’ website to see if they are required to send all of their test scores. Schools ranging from Yale University to Syracuse University to Blue Mountain College all require students to submit all of their test scores.  If given the option to select which scores to send, students can use Score Choice to choose the test date from which to send scores (keeping in mind, that scores must be sent from the entire test — not just the individual sections).


If required to submit all SAT scores, students and parents may wonder how schools look at multiple tests. Let’s take a look at superscoring versus highest sitting.


Superscoring is when a school looks at all your SAT tests and combines the highest score from each SAT test section to create a Superscore.  Superscoring aggregates across tests, which is to a students’ benefit. Schools from Stanford to the University of Southern California to the University of Connecticut all have used the superscore method to evaluate applicants.  There are still other schools that may only look at the highest sitting score, which may be less advantageous to an applicant whose individual section scores vary from test sitting to test sitting since they will only look at the high score from one test date. These institutions do not combine section scores from different test dates to get a higher score.


The ACT allows students to choose to send reports from a single test event or their superscore (made up of the best individual scores from each test event). Only scores from September 2016 to now can be superscored and if the highest section scores are the same, ACT will report the most recent test score as a part of the superscore. If a student wants to send a specific section score, they will need to send a report from an individual test date.  Like the SAT, students should confirm whether or not the schools they are applying to require them to send all their ACT scores.  If they do not, then sending the superscore composite is to their advantage.  Superscoring can also help students as they prepare for their standardized tests — after taking one test, they will know where they should focus their further studying should one section be precipitously low compared to the other.  Schools ranging from The University of Pennsylvania to MIT to the University of North Carolina are all superscore based when it comes to the ACT.


Will Schools Look at All Scores? 

Particularly for schools that require you send all of your scores — regardless of their using the superscore or highest sitting method — it is likely that the school will take into account all of your test scores.  A score that is considerably different from your other scores (in other words, an ‘outlier’) could draw attention from an admissions officer and therefore, it is always important to do your best in each testing situation, especially since a very low score or an exceptionally high score (compared to your other scores) could lead to suspicion.

Since most students will take their standardized tests more than one time, it is important to know what each university’s policy is when it comes to submitting your test scores. Knowing this information can not only help you decide how many times you want/need to take the SAT/ACT but also, help your study strategy.  For example, if schools allow students to submit a ‘superscore’, this can be helpful in studying for future standardized tests (e.g., if a MATH score is near perfect, then there’s no more need to aggressively study math since that score will be a part of the final superscore that schools evaluate; the student can then focus on studying their weaker areas).







wholerenguru3  (厚仁学术哥)

wholerenguru3 (厚仁学术哥)

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