wholerenguru3 (厚仁学术哥)
1. Business: What Is It Good For? 商业:它的好处是?
What is the purpose of business? What is its role in a just and humane society? Many believe that business is a morally suspicious activity, a suspicion reflected in the common belief that business people should “give back” to society. Is business an activity for which one should atone? Can business contribute to the common good? Are people right to be suspicious of business? This seminar draws on philosophy, business, and economics to evaluate the purpose and practice of business. We will examine several competing perspectives, including some drawn from Catholic social teaching, to explore whether, and if so, how, one can be virtuous while at the same time engaging in business in a market economy.
2. Global Issues: Violence and Peace in the Modern Age
Today’s news seems like a litany of catastrophes: wars across parts of Asia, the Middle East, and central Africa; the largest global refugee crisis in modern times; rising intolerance, racism and authoritarianism in Western democracies; poverty and underdevelopment in vulnerable communities; and instability and conflict driven by climate change. This seminar begins by investigating these pressing contemporary challenges, with a focus on war and violence, examining how extremist nationalism coupled with dehumanizing ideologies can engender war and mass atrocities, systemic discrimination, and entrenched poverty and inequality. Focusing on three areas of the world – the Middle East, central Africa and the United States – we explore these problems from a global and local perspective.
3. Inequality in America: America’s Social and Economic Inequities 美国的不平等:美国社会和经济的不平等
The US is the most unequal high-income economy in the world, with wealth inequality rising. The top ten percent of American families controlled nearly 70 percent of the wealth in the US in 2022. Over the last fifty years, the poverty rate in the US has remained stagnant. How do we explain America’s social and economic inequities and stasis? How do these facts change when examining intersectional identities based on race, class, and gender, particularly in the context of anti-immigrant xenophobia and anti-black racism? Students in this course will develop a critical understanding of the historical and contemporary causes and consequences of inequality and how it is reproduced in society.
4. The Environment: Science, Policy, Ethics 环境:科学,政治,伦理
Protecting and preserving the natural environment is the most urgent challenge facing scientists, humanists, policy makers and ordinary citizens today. Sustaining our environment is critical to human flourishing, as well as the flourishing of non-human kin, in both the short and long term.This leadership seminar will explore a wide array of interesting and thorny problems related to the environment, including climate change and species preservation, air and water quality, sustainable agriculture, and prudential resource extraction. We will think about these problems in a broader social context, interrogating questions of global justice and the differing responsibilities and needs of developed and developing countries. We will also delve into matters some might regard as “science fiction,” including protecting the natural environments of other worlds, establishing permanent, human settlements on the Moon and Mars, mining minerals on asteroids, and landing probes on distant worlds, like Jupiter’s moon, Europa.
5.The Power of Investing: Financial Literacy and the Miracle of Compound Interest
Albert Einstein is famously credited with saying, “Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it; he who doesn’t, pays it.” To continue that thought, the miracle of compounding can be more clearly described as the seemingly small, This can be seen quite clearly through investment returns, but the laws of compounding apply more broadly. People and companies have a moral obligation to consider the long-term impact of their decisions. As investors, we need to exercise our critical thinking skills to understand how our portfolio decisions can be optimized for both financial return and global impact.
In order to invest for change, we must first understand the basics of financial literacy and the role it plays in accumulating assets. By crafting a lifelong financial plan, students will learn about the fundamentals of finance and the tools of wealth creation. Topics include investing inside and outside retirement accounts, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, exchange-traded funds, and tax considerations. The goal is to ensure your financial security, so you can select the career of your choice, help those in need, and support important social causes.
2、成绩优秀,班级Top 10学生,或者SAT:1300-1500之间,ACT31分以上

wholerenguru3 (厚仁学术哥)