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Community College and Transfer Admission Forum, Beijing, 2015
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Time is coming! It is time to reveal this “secret” to the China market. As experts in Education industry in the United States, we fully understand the structure of the Community Colleges and Transfer Admission system, and we expect this means a lot to Chinese students. WholeRen Education., partnering with China Studying Abroad Magazine proudly feature the first professional “U.S. Community Colleges and Transfer Admission Forum” in Beijing in June 23.
This forum is the first comprehensive introduction of community colleges and transfer admission in China. Our mission is to successfully showcase the privileges and benefits of choosing community colleges int he times of pursuing higher education, allowing Chinese education industry professionals, parents and students, education agencies, and media to obtain an outlook of the U.S. Community Colleges and Transfer system, which accounted as a stronger alternative to freshmen admission and dual-enrollment.
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- Decode U.S. Community Colleges and Transfer Admission System and increase exposure in China.
- Explore and share best practices in recruiting Chinese students for Community Colleges and Transfer students.
- Collaborate with Chinese organization, such as public high schools, private high schools, junior colleges, government organizations and recruiting agencies.
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- Understand the mechanism of community colleges and transfer admission in the United States.
- Provide alternative academic paths to schools in China, in particularly junior colleges and students through U.S. community colleges system.
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Event Agenda
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Introduce every aspect of U.S. community colleges comprehensively
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Transfer Admission Requirements (From 2-Year Community Colleges to 4-Year University)
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Advantages of studying in 2-Year Community College for Chinese students
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Interact with U.S. community colleges’ Chinese alumni
[av_iconlist_item title=” link=” linktarget=” linkelement=” icon=’ue81d’ font=’entypo-fontello’]
Discover best practices in recruitment and cooperation between U.S. Community Colleges and Chinese Institutions and Agents
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Round table discussion about studying abroad and transfer admission between community colleges’ representatives and parents
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Event Information
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[av_catalogue ]
[av_catalogue_item title=’Beijing, China Event’ price=” id=” link=” target=” disabled=”]
June 23rd, 2015 1:00 p.m. – 5:15 p.m.
[av_catalogue_item title=’Location’ price=” id=” link=” target=” disabled=”]
4th Floor, Studying Abroad Magazine, 5 Zhushikou East Main Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing, 100062
[av_catalogue_item title=’Target Audience’ price=” id=” link=” target=” disabled=”]
Students, Parents, Education Professionals, International Schools, and Media
[av_catalogue_item title=’Expected Attendees’ price=” id=” link=” target=” disabled=”]
[av_catalogue_item title=’Event Admission’ price=” id=” link=” target=” disabled=”]
Free (Registration Required)
[av_catalogue_item title=’More Detail ‘ price=” id=” link=” target=”]
Request more details about Community College and Transfer Admission Forum Agenda at jingjie.chen@wholeren.com
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[av_contact_field label=’Will you be volunteering during the forum?’ type=’checkbox’ options=” check=” width=”][/av_contact_field]
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